Executive Coach Paul de la Garza, CEO of High Performance Business Solutions taps into the insights and wisdom of Business Leaders around the world in order to reveal the best kept secrets of how to be successful in the world of business and furthermore, in the journey of life.

Friday Feb 26, 2021
Personal Leadership
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
While personal leadership may seem like an abstract and somewhat broad concept, it can be grounded into some very specific things that we need to learn about in terms of how we are conducting ourselves and our lives on a daily basis.
I'd like to offer you a definition of humility. Humility - the recognition that the people around us help complete us. If we pause and evaluate what that means, we will begin to recognize that there are a number of people out there that can teach us a great deal. Never has it been more important to recognize and put forth that concept in our lives today.
The fact of the matter is that with all of the events that have transpired recently, we may have lost one of the most precious skills that had a great deal to do with the formation of this country - true, honest, and constructive debate.
When two people debate in the way it was originally conceived, they used something called the "gem statement". This statement is the one idea that all people in the debate agree on. When you identify the "gem statement" during a debate, you will always be guided by that beacon that unites you in the conversation.
One of the most important things we can do is to know less and learn more. When you bring that to a debate, you will begin to develop trust. Trust is the very essence of community and it is what unites and strengthens the very fabric of the people.
It is not up to our government to create this... it is up to us.
In this week's Tip for Success, Paul de la Garza discusses personal leadership and shares a story which highlights how to promote joy within yourself and the people that surround you.
This Week's Action Steps
Follow the action steps below each day this week to see a material and concrete shift in your personal leadership:
✔ Live your life in chapters. Live your life in chapters of three years. In three years, we can begin to structure something that will be able to give us a sense of purpose and a sense of direction. In those three years, include a commitment to service to the people to surround you.
✔ Put the gem statement into practice. Sit down with someone who has a contrasting opinion and identify what unites you. Identify how you may be approaching that particular problem in different ways but recognize that you both are compelled by that gem statement. This is sure to bring forth solutions.
✔ Begin to practice the art of compromise. When you have a conversation, consider the possibility of what would be your walk away position. Be clear about what you want to accomplish and be clear on what that other person is likely to want to accomplish and promote and protect that interest. The answer is going to be hybrid of two ideas that create extraordinary solutions that neither one of you would have ever thought of.
To see more and sign up to receive Weekly Success Tips to your inbox, visit us at: highperformance-solutions.com/successtips

Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Results: Part IV of the Mindset Series
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
As we complete this series, I would like to tell you that success does not happen overnight. Success has it's foundation and a number of challenges, failures, deviations, interruptions, and we always must come back to our mindset. When you feel off-track, come back to your self-talk, your self-esteem, and once you feel confident in these two areas, take them out for a test drive with your actions.
Action is the journey. It is only through the journey of which we can begin to truly discover that which we are capable of and begin to cultivate our desired results.
In this week's Tip for Success, Paul de la Garza discusses results which is the final part of the Mindset Series and shares a story which highlights the results that one can expect from this powerful cycle.
This week is the final part of The Mindset Series in which coach Paul de la Garza discusses the components of mindset. We sincerely hope that this series has helped you develop your mindset for the new year and stay tuned for more Success Tips in the upcoming weeks.
This Week's Action Steps
Come back to these action steps anytime that you feel off-track and want to enhance your mindset:
✔ Make a list of the self-talk and negative affirmations that you are giving yourself. Think about it carefully. Next to each, write, "Does it have to be this way?" or "Is it true?" and answer that question. Then write the habit or positive self-talk that you're going to replace the negative self-talk with.
✔ Practice writing your gratitude's each day. The daily primer includes affirmations and gratitude's. Gratitude's are powerful. When you face a challenge, remembering what you are grateful for is going to put that challenge in perspective.
✔ Write down and answer the question, "How do I love more?" every day this week. This question is powerful because it helps you become present and aware of your behavior moment by moment. Ask yourself how you can listen better, become more compassionate, and validate the person next to you.
✔ Choose to eliminate the drama within your life. Drama is typically a product of ego where you choose to be offended and invest energy in things where you shouldn't. Be cognizant of the here and now. Choose not to take things personally, not to be offended, and not to be hurt. This will serve to strengthen your character and self-esteem.
✔ Examine some of the most painful situations from your childhood. This is the age in which we start formulating a sense of self. If you remember a certain situation where you feel there was a painful exchange, go back and choose to release. Forgive the people that you felt were creating a negative sense of self. Forgive them and forgive yourself.
✔ Continue to practice your affirmations on a daily basis. Engage in the reaffirmation of your talents and the things you want to achieve. Your affirmations must be based on an authentic recognition of your belief in yourself.
✔ Take the first step. It is time to act. Focus on starting. If you look at the entire landscape, you may not start at all. Focus on taking the very first step.
✔ Stay with it. Never never never never quit. Once you act, province will move with you. You will be submitted to distractions and tempted to take the paths of least resistance. Keep reminding yourself of the big picture of what it's going to be like once you get there.
To see more and sign up to receive Weekly Success Tips to your inbox, visit us at: highperformance-solutions.com/successtips

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Actions and Behaviors: Part III of the Mindset Series
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
When you take action with an emotional propellent, it moves energy. It is critical to start with a strong foundation of constructive self-talk and strong self esteem. Once you have this foundation, the action that you take will have incredible results. We are the creators of our own reality. Life will act as a mirror from the action that you take.
A negative force that affects us all is worry, which is a fear driven emotion. If you are worried about something, start taking action in the areas that you know you need to engage in. That momentum that you build you will begin to see that worry fade away.
It is important that you focus on one thing and one thing only. Focus on starting. Once you start, it is amazing how things begin to develop and you begin to develop a sense of inertia that will take you to the desired destination. As you take steps and begin movement, the landscape of opportunity will begin to change.
Now it is time to act. You have everything you need. Reaffirm your self-talk and your self esteem so that you know that within you lie the talents, abilities, and skills to achieve the things that you desire.
This week is part of a 5-part series in which coach Paul de la Garza discusses the components of mindset.
Stay tuned for Weekly Success Tips in the upcoming weeks to continue to develop your mindset for the new year.
In this week's Tip for Success, Paul de la Garza discusses action and behavior which is part or the Mindset Series and shares a story which highlights the power of never giving up.
This Week's Action Steps
Follow these action steps below each day this week to activate an action filled life:
✔ Create a vision board. This board will be a constant reminder and anchor of the things you want to achieve. Limit your board to no more than five things and give each item a timeline for completion.
✔ Continue to practice your affirmations on a daily basis. Engage in the reaffirmation of your talents and the things you want to achieve. Your affirmations must be based on an authentic recognition of your belief in yourself.
✔ Take the first step. It is time to act. Focus on starting. If you look at the entire landscape, you may not start at all. Focus on taking the very first step.
✔ Stay with it. Never never never never quit. Once you act, province will move with you. You will be submitted to distractions and tempted to take the paths of least resistance. Keep reminding yourself of the big picture of what it's going to be like once you get there.
To see more and sign up to receive Weekly Success Tips to your inbox, visit us at: highperformance-solutions.com/successtips

Friday Jan 29, 2021
Self-Esteem: Part II of the Mindset Series
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Self-esteem is based on recognition of the innate qualities within you. As you begin to recognize, discover, and validate these innate qualities, this will have a direct impact upon how you choose to act in specific situations but more importantly on the way that you live your life.
We are the ones who are responsible for creating the reality that we face everyday. We do that through our mindset and behavior. We train other people how to treat us through the behavior that we display. Our behavior has its root in self-esteem and self-esteem is rooted in self talk.
There will be situations that you have no control over. What you can do, however, is control how you respond. You can respond as a victim, or you can respond as an individual who is empowered by the recognition of the things that you have internally. This is a choice you have to make.
A victim declares themselves powerless predominantly because of self talk. The key thing here is to ask yourself these four questions:
Am I powerless in this situation?
Do I have the resources to be able to face this?
Am I investing energy in situations that I cannot influence?
Do I need to be refocusing on the things that I can influence?
Making these distinctions will help you to begin building your self-esteem.
This week is the third part of a 5-part series in which coach Paul de la Garza will discuss the components of mindset.
Stay tuned for Weekly Success Tips in the upcoming weeks to continue to develop your mindset for the new year.
In this week's Tip for Success, Paul de la Garza discusses self-esteem which is the third part to the Mindset Series and shares a story which highlights how you can recognize the innate skills and qualities within you that will enable you to deal with just about any situation that you face.
This Week's Action Steps
Follow these action steps below each day this week to see a material and concrete shift in your self-esteem and mindset:
✔ Examine some of the most painful situations from your childhood. This is the age in which we start formulating a sense of self. If you remember a certain situation where you feel there was a painful exchange, go back and choose to release. Forgive the people that you felt were creating a negative sense of self. Forgive them and forgive yourself.
✔ Focus on providing value to the people around you. Anytime that you have an exchange with someone, focus on providing an element of value in anyway that you can. This will come right back to you.
✔ Choose to eliminate the drama within your life. Drama is typically a product of ego where you choose to be offended and invest energy in things where you shouldn't. Be cognizant of the here and now. Choose not to take things personally, not to be offended, and not to be hurt. This will serve to strengthen your character and self-esteem.
To see more and sign up to receive Weekly Success Tips to your inbox, visit us at: highperformance-solutions.com/successtips

Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Self-Talk: Part I of the Mindset Series
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Today we are going in depth into self-talk. Mindset is everything. The results that we generate are based on the disposition that we bring to any particular endeavor and our self-talk impacts that kind of mindset.
Our self-talk is likely to be a product of our environment, of the way that we were raised, the people with whom we lived, and the things we used to hear; both positive and negative. If you're constantly receiving negative affirmations of your behavior, it's clearly going to impact your self-esteem. Likewise, if you're constantly being validated, promoted, and told that you can, that will also have a direct impact upon the way you live. The key thing here is to be aware of that.
This week is the second part of a 5-part series in which coach Paul de la Garza will discuss the components of mindset.
Stay tuned for Weekly Success Tips in the upcoming weeks to continue to develop your mindset for the new year.
In this week's Tip for Success, Paul de la Garza discusses self-talk which is the second part to the Mindset Series and shares a story which highlights one critical change you can make in order to shift into positive self-talk.
This Week's Action Steps
Follow the action steps below each day this week to see a material and concrete shift in your self-talk and mindset:
✔ Make a list of the self-talk and negative affirmations that you are giving yourself. Think about it carefully. Next to each, write, "Does it have to be this way?" or "Is it true?" and answer that question. Then write the habit or positive self-talk that you're going to replace the negative self-talk with.
✔ Practice a daily primer. The daily primer includes affirmations and gratitudes. Gratitude's are powerful. When you face a challenge, remembering what you are grateful for is going to put that challenge in perspective. Affirmations are like moral and spiritual vitamins. Practice the affirmations "I lead a purposeful life in pursuit of the highest good for myself and those who surround me" and "I live an abundant life spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and financially".
✔ Write down and answer the question, "How do I love more?" every day this week. This question is powerful because it helps you become present and aware of your behavior moment by moment. Ask yourself how you can listen better, become more compassionate, and validate the person next to you.
To see more and sign up to receive Weekly Success Tips to your inbox, visit us at: highperformance-solutions.com/successtips

Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Expand Your Possibilities with Mindset
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Now we are in a new year and you are likely to be making plans of what we are going to accomplish in 2021. All plans are good, yet we have to have the right mindset to generate the results to accomplish the objectives for the year. And mindset is very important… consider this, "Before a finger is lifted, the outcome of all endeavors is predetermined." In other words, your results are driven by the way you think, how able you see yourself in achieving the goal. Henry Ford was quoted in saying If you think you can, you will. If you think you can't, you won't. Either way you are going to be right. This week is the first of a 5-part series in which coach Paul de la Garza will discuss the components of mindset.
Stay tuned for Weekly Success Tips in the upcoming weeks to continue to develop your mindset for the new year.
In this week's Tip for Success, Paul de la Garza introduces the four components of effective mindset and tells a story that demonstrates how a simple shift in mindset makes all of the difference.
This Week's Action Step
Follow the action step below each day this week to begin preparing yourself to develop your mindset for the new year:
✔ Take a moment and become present about what energy you bring to every situation in which you are in. It is important that we do this because the energy that we bring will be adapted by that situation and it is a product of our mindset.
To see more and sign up to receive Weekly Success Tips to your inbox, visit us at: highperformance-solutions.com/successtips

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
The Power of a Purposeful Vision
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Having a vision that has core purpose is one of the most validating things that an individual can do for oneself. As we set our vision for the upcoming year, we have to remember that our vision is equivalent to the level of self-awareness and recognition of what we can do and our vision is going to be carried by that inner force.
In this week's Tip for Success, Paul de la Garza defines vision and gives powerful examples of leaders, who despite very challenging circumstances, were able to carry out and fulfill their vision driven by purpose.
This Week's Action Steps
Follow the action steps below each day this week to gain clarity on your vision and purpose for the upcoming year.
✔ Create an affirmation that will enable you to achieve those things for which you are inspired. This should be something that resonates in your heart. The one I like to use is, "I lead a purposeful life in pursuit of the highest good for myself and for those who surround me".
✔ Create a vision board. This vision board should have no more than five things on it so that you can focus on them. Add dates of completion to each item and ensure that these are things you truly want to and believe that you can accomplish in a year's time.
✔ Create a vision that will give you a sense of purpose. This purpose will be driven through contribution and promoting the welfare and wellbeing of others.
To see more and sign up to receive Weekly Success Tips to your inbox, visit us at: highperformance-solutions.com/successtips

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
See Yourself in Everyone You Meet
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
We are at a time where this nation is deeply divided for a number of different reasons. This is unfortunate because when we look more in depth, we can see that there are many more things that unite us than divide us.
The fact of the matter is that if we evaluate the essential elements of the human condition, we come to realize that we all want the same things; to love and be loved, to feel safe, to achieve, and to have economic stability.
In this week’s Tip for Success, Paul de la Garza discusses powerful ways that we can begin to identify the similarities we share with others and through this action ignite unity and understanding amongst us.
This Week’s Action Steps
Follow the action steps below this week to practice unity and understanding.
- Start learning about other cultures. Initiate conversations with those who come from a different background than yourself. This will help you to begin to see yourself in others.
- Seek out someone who has a differing viewpoint than you and invite them out to have a coffee. Go into this conversation with the intention to understand this person more deeply.
- Develop awareness of your disposition and curiosity in the conversations you have. When you find yourself judging someone in the middle of a conversation, use awareness to shift that judgement into curiosity. Truly seek to understand where someone else is coming from and why.
To see more and sign up to receive Weekly Success Tips to your inbox, visit us at: highperformance-solutions.com/successtips

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
The Power of Gratitude
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Gratitude is incredibly powerful because even through very difficult moments, we can remember the things we are grateful for and give situations context.
In this segment, Paul de la Garza gives some tools to maintain a sense of gratitude each day and shares one of his most cherished stories regarding the power of recognizing the things in which we are grateful for
This Week’s Action Steps
Follow the action steps below each day this week to practice gratitude and become more aware of the small and big things that you are grateful for.
- Find a special place to write down your gratitude’s. Set aside 10 quiet minutes every day this week and write down your gratitude’s in a journal, sticky note, or a special file in your computer.
- Go out of your way to smile and appreciate those around you. Remember to say thank you and find ways to connect with people on a daily basis.
- Recognize how other’s are contributing to the way that you are leading a wonderful life. This can be anyone from the barista pouring you coffee to the the repairman. Recognize your gratefulness for each person you encounter on a daily basis.
To see more and sign up to receive Weekly Success Tips to your inbox, visit us at: highperformance-solutions.com/successtips

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
The 3 Critical Steps to Prepare for an Unpredictable Market in 2021
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
What will happen to your production in the event that interest rates increase by as little as 50 basis points? Learn the steps to take to prepare for a change in markets so that you continue to have business coming in the door, even amidst an unpredictable and sudden change in the economic environment.